I just got back from a long weekend adventure that was jam-packed with Sapphic book goodness. Some highlights:
GCLS NY/NJ Regional Event - Sapphic lit authors and readers gathered in Jersey City for a day of panel discussions, books, and reconnecting with friends. I was thrilled to be part of the Where Are My Readers? panel moderated by the fabulous Kate Castle. We had a great time talking about our social media habits (I understand emojis, I swear), connecting with readers online and IRL (love it!), and how we really feel about reviews (they're for readers--change my mind). But the best part of the day was seeing so many of my book friends again. It really got me excited for the GCLS Annual Conference in Denver--will I see you there?
Sapphic Lit Pop Up Bookstore - We popped up again at Ginger's Bar in Brooklyn, NY. Beers and books--the plan was a hit from the start! Connecting with readers is always fun, and introducing new readers to Sapphic literature is an experience like no other. By the way, our new website sapphiclitpopup.com is up and running. If you want to find out where we're popping up next, or if you're a Sapphic author and want to join us, you'll find all the details there.
The Friends Experience - My wife and I love the TV show Friends, so when we were planning a trip to NYC we knew this was a stop we had to make. And it DID NOT DISAPPOINT! It honestly felt like we were on the set. We recreated some of our favorite scenes--the victory ride on Pat the Dog, PIVOTing the sofa up the staircase, even eating cheesecake off the floor in the hallway. What a day! If you're a Friends fan, I highly recommend it.
That's it for now--I've got to finish unpacking and face the mountain of post-travel laundry that awaits. But drop me a note and let me know your favorite scene from Friends--I'd love to compare!
